Liability Waiver

Please fill-out and electronically sign our Visitor Information Form & Liability Waiver.

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Visitor Information Form & Liability Waiver
Important: It appears that you are accessing this form from an unofficial third-party source. Submissions originating from such sources will not be accepted. Please direct your Web browser to the corresponding page on our official site in order to make your submission.
Important: cYdoeu maay be 75maki4ng 1u1se dof autom2ated fo37rm-fiddla8ling softwabre. fThi6s type 6of s2oftwafre5 c86adfn3 t9bri7g4ger 0ou2rd hiddfen spaam-d1etectioan1 system,c which 7wil6el balaock9 you fr4om sau7b8cdmitting c2this fcorm. Please9 select0 Fiedx This94da91 0baa7af72cc256535a28bcb767a120dee4cff0oc915ab30r55e5da5de3b72 734e7d83bc3om9fple93t75indg b0tch4e c6f2orm ibn o6r4d72653edrbfd3382 8e5bto9 c3bobf3frrect7 t701bhbe3 pracob5bl213ee0mc.63
Important: 0You may befc m2aakingc 0us9e of auto6ma5tede form-fillin3ga softwa6re. This t1ype aoe4f1 softwa0re can etri4gger our hidden spam1-detectio2n 4system, which will ceblock you from subfm7itti9ng this foarm.f It apc6pear2s9 tfhat2 t2he problem coudld nota be au0tbom9atically corarectebd. 1Pdlea0se clear 5any 8f2ield wchibch9 adp0pear83s bel0ofw with8 c5orresponding instruc9tions046d c5d2d9b1bbec7eb97cbfb4bfb08eo999re35aa6db7df3f ba2d370e3025b88e7f16dcco1d0mb0pl2etin79g tehcea00e f59orm in or1debr to cor7re4ct t60he9 pr9bcoble8m. 1We 5apod4l76ogiz7e forc3 the i1nc79onve2nfience an1bcfd wae 4apbpb3redcciat1e9 youar undecrbst4a8ndic3ngd.
Contact Information
Visitor Party Details
Please list the name and age of each child …
Please list the make, model, state, and plate number for each vehicle …
Other Details
Please indicate day/overnight stay & number of days/nights visiting for …
Guest Rates

Guest Rates: Our rates are enforced throughout the season. Rates are as follows: Day rate (ages 5 and up): $10.00 per person, Overnight rate (ages 5 and up): $15.00 per person. Cash or check payments may be placed in a provided envelope outside the office and remitted in the mail slot at the front office building. Immediate children / grandchildren under 21, parents and elderly are free, but a liability waiver must be completed on our website prior to entry. A season-round guest pass with a key card for regular visitors/children over 21 is also available for $100.00 per person.

Liability Waiver

IN CONSIDERATION OF the risk of injury that exists while participating in Recreational Camping and associated activities (hereinafter the “Activity”); as well as my desire to participate in this Activity and being given the right to participate.

I HEREBY, for myself, my heirs, executors, assigns, or personal representatives (hereinafter collectively “Releasor,” “I” or “me,” which terms shall also include Releasor’s parents or guardian if Releasor is under 18 years of age), knowingly and voluntarily enter into this WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action of any kind arising out of my participation in the Activity.

I HEREBY release and forever discharge Crooked River Campground Inc., located at 45 Crooked River Lane, Casco, ME 04015, their affiliated, managers, members, agents, attorneys, staff, volunteers, heirs, representatives, predecessors, successors, and assigns (collectively the “Releasees”), from any physical or psychological injury that I may suffer as a direct result of my participation in the Activity.


This property is privately owned. The Camper/ and/or Guest/s accept camping privileges with the understanding that he or she does hereby release the Campground, its officers and employees of ALL liability for loss or damage to property and injury to his/her use of its facilities, and agrees to indemnify Sebago’s Crooked River Campground Inc., its officers and employees, against claims resulting from loss or damage to property or injury to the person of any member of the family or guest/s of the registered camper arising out of use of its facilities.

Maine Inherent Risks of Camping

WARNING: Under Maine law, a camper or a guest of the camper in a private campground assumes the risk of any injury to person or property resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of camping and may not recover damage or damages from any private campground owner or operator for any injury or death resulting from any of the inherent dangers and risks of camping. The inherent dangers and risks of camping include but are not limited to, water activities such as swimming, boating, water-skiing and fishing; changing weather conditions; surface or subsurface conditions, such as rocks, stumps, trees, forest growth or other natural objects; variations in terrain; and the failure of campers and their guests to recreate safely, in control and within their own abilities. I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS “WAIVER AND RELEASE” AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY IN FAVOR OF SEBAGO’S CROOKED RIVER CAMPGROUND INC. I EXPRESSLY AGREE TO RELEASE AND DISCHARGE SEBAGO’S CROOKED RIVER CAMPGROUND INC. AND ALL OF ITS AFFILIATES, MANAGERS, MEMBERS, AGENTS, ATTORNEYS, STAFF, VOLUNTEERS, HEIRS, REPRESENTATIVES, PREDECESSORS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS FROM ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR CAUSES OF ACTION AND I AGREE TO VOLUNTARILY GIVE UP OR WAIVE ANY RIGHT THAT I MAY OTHERWISE HAVE TO BRING LEGAL ACTION AGAINST SEBAGO’S CROOKED RIVER CAMPGROUND INC. FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE.

I agree that this Release shall be governed for all purposes by the laws of the State of Maine without regard to any conflict of law principles. This Release constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes all prior communications, proposals, representations, and agreements, whether oral or written with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.

In the event that any damage to equipment or facilities occurs as a result of my or my family’s or my agent’s willful actions, neglect, or recklessness, I acknowledge and agree to be held liable for any and all costs associated with any such actions or neglect or recklessness, including any attorney’s fees and any related costs.


Electronic Signature
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